Swift Blast Cleaning & Painting Services

Cozen Croft Farm



South Yorkshire


Tel:   07899 902793


Email: swiftblast@btinternet.com


Or use our contact form.


About us

Blast cleaning, also called shot blasting, grit blasting or sand blasting is a process that involves cleaning various materials including wood, stone, brick and metals by propelling an abrasive at the surface using compressed air. This then provides the ideal surface to which coatings can adhere, thus increasing life expectancy making the process more cost effective.


We are a small family run business who have been established since 2000. Our mobile blast cleaning unit covers the whole of the Yorkshire Region. We have cleaned old beamed cottages, barns, shops, factories, industrial buildings, listed buildings, properties of all ages and types including The Earl of Doncaster and Rossington Hall.


The systems we employ conform to all Health and Safety regulations and our professionalism ensures the highest regard for safety and environmental standards.


We are professional in what we do and offer a fully insured, safe and secure service to all our customers, old and new.


We will happily visit you to discuss your requirements and give you the benefit of our experience to attain this.

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© Swift Blast Cleaning & Painting Services - Doncaster Shot Blasting Doncaster